The Samil Prize
The Samil Prize
The Samil Prize
The 1st Samil Prize was
awarded in 1959 as the nation’s first prize of the kind initiated by two business leaders, Mr. Lee Jeong-lim and Mr. Lee Jeong-ho who are the founders of the Korea Petrochemical Ind. Co., Ltd.
The vision of the Samil Prize is to cultivate outstanding academic and cultural leaders in Korea such as scientists, artists and technology experts. The name of prize, ‘Samil’ means the March 1st (3.1, pronounced in Korean) Movement in 1919 - one of the most remarkable Korean people’s uprising for national independence against the Japanese colonial occupation.
Mr. Yun Bo-seon, President of Korea delivering a congratulatory speech at the awarding ceremony of the Samil Prize in 1962.